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Wild Boar Enchilada Casserole Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 07:27 PM


I made enchilada casserole out of (very old, frozen) wild boar. We bought this a long time ago but finally used it. I browned the meat (with a bit of bacon fat from Spaghetti Squash Carbonara). I also added an onion and a lot of frozen peppers and onions. I had to manually drain some of the liquid but it worked pretty well. I didn't add too much in the way of seasonings.

I eventually added a bunch of enchilada sauce and let it cook down and thicken.

To make it, I did a lay of corn tortillas (cut in half), a little but of cheese, half the meat, a lot of cheese, and then repeated again.

It was pretty good. Nowhere near as gamey as I expected so that was good.

I prepped it and then baked it a few days later

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