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"Mom's Bread" (Challah)


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aka Baba Joan's Bread (Challah)


Put yeast in 1/2 cup water let rise until it looks like beer. Mix dry ingredients, add wet. Mix well adding additional water to get a moist but barely sticky dough*. Knead until elastic.

Let rise until double and knead again. Shape and put in pans or on a tray if braided. Let rise again. brush with egg wash and sprinkle with seeds if desired.

Bake at 350°F for approximately half an hour.


From Dad's recipe book. Page 1.

Put yeast in water - let rise ntil it looks like beer. Mix dry ingredients, add wet. Mix well and knead. Let rise and knead again. Shake and put in pans. Let rise. Bake at 350°F for approximately half an hour.

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