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Home > posts > 2018 > 09 > 2018-09-16_Pork_Loin_with_Corn_Salsa_and_Chimichurri.html
Pork Loin with Corn Salsa and Chimichurri
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I made this recipe from Spoon Fork Bacon (LOCAL[@rev]) that Meredith had found. I followed the basic gist of it with some notable changes.
Pork: We couldn't find the smoked pork loin filet that they mentioned so we ended up using a garlic and herb flavor. Also, I had no desire to deal with grilling it so I sous-vide cooked it. It was hard to find pork loin filet souse-vide guides (all were for tenderloin) but I found one1 that said 137.5°F for about two hours. I ended up doing nearly 6 but I think that was fine. I finished it on a really hot grill at about one minutes per side.
Salsa: I followed the basic idea pretty closely except I didn't count the tomatoes and probably used a lot more and I did 1/2 an onion. Not much else changed but I do think it was just barely borderline too much lime. Heavy on the garlic.
Chimichurri: a "1/2 bunch" of basil is very undefined so you can see what I used below. I started with 1/4 cup of olive oil and it was more than wet enough so I just stopped there. Healthier and still tasty! Also, I went heavy on the garlic.
I already can't find it again! ↩