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Stuffed Mushroom Casserole


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Meredith found a Stuffed Mushroom Casserole (LOCAL[@rev]) recipe that is intended to be a side-dish. We modified it slightly to be a full meal by adding a pound of chicken (for four servings). I diced up chicken tenders, tossed them with seasoned flour, and sautéed them.

My full changes are:

It actually came out really, really good. My only real complaint was the mozzarella cheese stuck to some parts better than others so it wasn't well mixed. But it was nice and easy!

Rough Calories


Item Approx. Calories
Chicken 750
Butter (4 tbsp) 400
Mozzarella + Parm 400
Panko 260
--- ---
total 1810

or ~450/serving. Not too bad!