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Amba Chicken and Broccolini
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We made Amba (Fermented Mango Sauce) chicken with broccolini. Meredith had seen the sauce at Trader Joes and decided to buy it. I cubed up chicken (~1.5 lbs) into small cubes and tossed it with some salt, pepper, then flour (I did the salt and pepper first to try to coat better). I then pan-fried it with some canola oil (probably a bit more than needed...). At the very end, I added a lot of the sauce (again, probably more than needed) and let it cook for a minute or two. It was really good. I liked the richness and savoriness (umami?) of the sauce!
I also roasted broccolini at 375°F for about 15 minutes. I had tossed it with salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper. Meredith made tahini sauce[@rev]