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Smoked Pulled Pork
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We had more leftover pulled pork[@rev] but we tried to smoke it with a small smoker1 Meredith bought me last year. As you can see in the video below, we filled the bag with smoke and then let it sit. We actially did it twice since the smoke seemed to dissolve. Well, that was a bit too much! I thought it tasted a bit too smokey. Almost like I just puffed a cigar. But we can play with that. And play with how much wood to burn and how to smoke it. But it was smokey!
See below for a note on our smoked drinks. I think we need to better figure out how to get he smoke flavor without the ash flavor too! Or just how to better use it.
Meredith also made more coleslaw but this time using Duke's Recipe (LOCAL[@rev]). We halved it and basically just eye-balled the mayo (and used Hellman's). I think she followed the amounts on the rest except added some green onion and just used red cabbage. I liked it!
We also tried to smoke drinks. The first night, we put bourbon into a mason jar, filled it with smoke, and shook it. We thought that would quickly absorb the flavors. It didn't.
The next night, we tried to make a smoked Manhatten. We filled a cup with smoke and let it sit then filled another with the drink, topped and covered with smoke, and let that sit. When combined it was too smokey. We tossed it.