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Lentil Moussaka


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I made a big batch (roughly 1.5x-2x) of Lentil Moussaka[@rev]. In the process, I also greatly updated and clarified that recipe.

Other than enlarging the recipe, I followed it pretty closely for the lentil variation. The only real change is that I decided I didn't feel like making the "healthy" béchemel and instead opted to make a regular one using the Bêchemel recipe from The Kitchn[@rev]. This was very flavorful and an improvement. It did barely cover the whole thing though (at 1.5x). I am including a video below to give an idea of how thick (or not thick) it was.

One note: this made way too much. I am already kind of sick of it. If I make it again, I will make a much smaller batch.

Before adding béchemel With the béchemel

Just to see the thickness of the béchemel