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Pickle Tacos


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Meredith has been wanting to make Beef and Pickle Tacos from Joy the Baker (LOCAL[@rev]).

We used turkey instead of beef but otherwise mostly followed the recipe. I kept having to add a bit of water to the meat to help get the spices to stick and mix well with it. I also really fried a few corn tortillas in a thin amount of oil. I also just heated some with just light oil. The fried were better... (see the picture below. Fried on the right and just heated with oil on the left).

Using potato was an interesting idea. I'm not opposed to doing this again, though it wasn't a "revelation" in taco meat.

The pickles were regular Claussen dill pickles.

It may have been odd but it was actually really good. The saltiness and flavor of the pickles nicely accompanied the tacos. We will do this again! Even if we just use regular taco seasoning. These were a revelation in serving tacos!

Mixing with the potato I figured out how to hold the tortilla down Tortillas heated with oil on the left, fried on the right