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Wings, Fiesta Turkey Burgers, and Broccolini


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I made baked chicken wings[@rev]. The wings were much smaller than what I usually get since I got them at Sprouts instead of Kellers. As such, I cooked them a bit too long and they were a bit dry. Anyway, I tossed them in a quick buffalo sauce. I used 1.5 oz of butter with Franks Red Hot. It was just enough to really cost on the flavor but they weren’t wet at all. I liked that part!

The Fiesta Burgers were like last time[@rev] but Meredith made the taco seasoning like yesterday’s dinner (pickle tacos[@rev]) but with salt too. I tried something different with shaping them. I formed them with wet hands and then I put them on cut up pieces of aluminum foil. This way I could flip them onto the grill and pull them foil off. That worked well.

The broccolini was tossed with just salt and garlic powder. Meredith also made tahini sauce