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Home > about_kk2.html
About KitchenKatalog V2
You are viewing revision 0b6879d5
from 2017-03-05 16:35:44 -0700.
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This is a new and (maybe) improved version. The prior version ran on Wordpress which was great since it offered many advanced tools. Wordpress is one of, if not the, most popular blogging and CMS engines. It has a large community with frequent updates.
However, it is also a large target to hackers. Even when I kept my installation up-to-date, any plugins, etc could open me up to attacks. And it kept happening. I was fed up with the time and annoyance (and sometimes money) of dealing with it.
Finally. I have been learning Python and this was a great opportunity to learn more and get better! I am adopting Markdown, but really using Python Markdown (+ Extra
I did a few things:
Also, ancillary to these, I built some tools to make editing easier. The auto-fill the respective templated paths so I can see the output as it would look.
The entire content also resides in a SVN git repository to provide version control. See the bottom of the site for the last compiled date and the git hash.
There is a downside:
I am now responsible for all design (hence it's ugly for now...) and there is no longer an easy way to have others add to the site (They could check out the git repo but that is non-trivial).
This is a continuous work in progress.
I make (and made) extensive use of open source projects in building this site
(And there may be more to follow if I change the design and use some of those frameworks)
This site is hosted on WebFaction. It is a recent move but I have been very happy with them. They also host my git repos, etc.