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About KitchenKatalog V2.3.5
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from 2017-07-19 03:36:07 +0000.
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I used to run KitchenKatalog on Wordpress which was great since it offered many advanced tools. Wordpress is one of, if not the, most popular blogging and CMS engines. It has a large community with frequent updates.
However, it is also a large target to hackers. Even when I kept my installation up-to-date, any plugins, etc could open me up to attacks. And it kept happening. I was fed up with the time and annoyance (and sometimes money) of dealing with it.
Finally, I got fed up and decided to write my own static new dynamic site generator. It was clunky but usable. It has however improved as I have moved through three versions of my own software to run it:
There is a downside:
I am now responsible for all design (hence it's ugly for now...) and, while I worked hard on the web components, it is still not particularly pretty
This is a continuous work in progress.
Versions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 were static site site generators. 2.3 was mostly static but with a dynamic web component. That worked great for this site, but I was using the same software for my notebooks and I got tired of refreshing to get a lot of features (such as links, all pages, etc). So I decided to my 2.3.5! 2.3.5 uses a ton of the work I already did for version 2.3 but is all dynamic. The main pages are still stores as markdown though.
I make (and made) extensive use of open source projects in building this site
(And there may be more to follow if I change the design and use some of those frameworks)
This site is hosted on WebFaction. It is a recent move but I have been very happy with them. They also host my git repos, etc.