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Flour Weights
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There is a lot of disagreement on flour weights. LA Times' article talks about it and identifies the following:
Source | 1 cup flour |
King Arthur Flour | 120 grams |
Bake From Scratch | 125 grams |
Washington Post | 126 grams |
The New York Times | 128 grams |
Bon Appétit | 130 grams |
AllRecipes.com | 136 grams |
The L.A. Times; Cook’s Illustrated1 | 142 grams |
For the most part, I prefer to follow King Arthur Flour[@rev] and, whenever possible, I measure by weight as specified in the recipe. So if a Cook's Illustrated/America's Test Kitchen has a recipe calling for "3 cups of flour or 15 oz" (where 15 oz is 425.243 grams), I will use 15 oz and not 12.7 oz (360 grams @ 120 grams/oz).
For my Dad's recipes, he seems to use the 142 as well. Again, go by weight (unless I note otherwise)
And presumably America's Test Kitchen, Cooks Country, etc ↩