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Egg Stuffed Tortillas (Egg Quesadilla / Tortilla Omelet)
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These were originally documented on 2020-04-22[@rev] but I have changed the process a bit.
I am calling them "eggs stuffed tortilla" or "egg quesadilla" or "tortilla omelets"
Photos to come later
Preheat the pan to medium. It is important that the pan be preheated to greatly facilitate flipping. Spray the pan with oil
Beat together two eggs with a splash of water or milk. Add salt though go light as more will be added later
Add eggs to the pan and tilt pan to make sure it is fully covered.
Reduce heat to medium-low
Add cheese and toppings to half the tortilla. Add cheese and seasonings (we usually use Badia Adobo)
Cover and cook until melted. You can add a tiny bit of water to create steam.
Fold and slide onto cutting board.
Badia Seasoning we like, though it’s optional: