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Huevos Rancheros / Motuleños
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I make this pretty often. It is all based on this[@rev] post which is partially copied below (with modifications)
Heat a pan on medium and add pam. Immediately heat three corn tortillas until they are crispy. Once it has started ot crips, flip them over. Spray the other side with pam and let them start to crisp (about 20-30 seconds)
Spray again with pam making sure to get any exposed metal. Then top it with two eggs and a handful of drained beans (of your choosing), sause/salsa (eg, Green chili sauce, Pace Pacante Salsa, etc) and maybe a protein (eg, rotisserie chicken, bacon, etc). Try to keep everything centered on the tortillas
Eggs, and beans
Ready to cook
Cover and let cook for a little on medium (You want to cook but not burn the tortilla). Top with cheese of your choosing. Cover and cook some more
All cooked
You may have to broil to get the tops to cook as you wish.
Carefully slide off the pan and onto a plate
Slid onto a plate and topped with bacon
There are tons of variations but they all revolve around changing the sauce, beans or protein. See for example Allevatori Uova [@rev] done italian style
Based on my reading, this dish can easily be Rancheros or Motuleños. Not sure.