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Carrot Pudding


You are viewing revision f080cf73 from 2019-09-23 10:49:05 -0600 (specified "2019-09-23 10:49:05 -0600"). See current version and other versions

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This has been perfected over a few iterations. This version is the last made. See2013-03-02[@rev]

Carrot Pudding


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Put the milk and the smart balance in the pressure cooker. Heat/bring close to boil. Grate the carrots and add to hot milk mixture. Mix all the dry ingredientsseparatelythen add them to the carrots in batches stirring in between. Bring pressure cooker to full pressure (on medium to medium-high) and then cook on setting 2/10 for 15 minutes (that timing starts when the regulator starts venting).

Release the pressure quickly (just with the gauge). Then cook on medium to reduce until it is the desired consistency. You may have to scrape the pan a bit.

For the sugar, I found that the 100g/9 packets was very good with lots ofcaramelizationand not too much "fake" flavor. A good mix. However, the 50g/13-14 packets is also still tasty, but tastes_slightly_more fake and less carmely (in flavor and color). It comes down to whether you're will to add the calories. Obviously, a mix in between is fine too.

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Original WP Post ID: 6667

Original WP Pub Date: 2013-09-19_094758