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Chicken Pho (Quick[er])


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This is largely based on 2014-11-16[@rev], which is based on 2014-09-10[@rev] and is essentially what was made on2014-11-24[@rev]



Cube the onion and ginger. Broil until charred. Turn and char the other side. The ginger may take longer. Alternatively, char in a super hot pan by placing on the surface (with a tiny bit of oil) and let sit undisturbed for 5-10 minutes or until you can;'t handle the immense amount of smoke.Add to the broth when finished (or add broth to pan)

Make the stock with water and Better Than Bouillon. If using stock, replace a bit with water to reduce the strong flavor. Add the salt, sugar and cardamom

Toast the whole seeds on a dry pan over medium-high heat until aromatic. Add to the broth.

Once everything is in, simmer the broth, covered, for 1 hour or more. Once sufficiently simmering, remove 1 cup of broth, sprinkle the gelatin packed and stir well. Return bloomed gelatin and broth to the pot. Stir well. Somewhere in there, poach the chicken in the simmer broth for 13-18minutes or until cooked. Remove and shred.

Strain the broth. If a lot of liquid was lost, add extra water and return to simmer. Add fish sauce and allow to simmer for an addition 5 minutes.

Serve with regular Pho toppings

Pressure Cooker and Quicker Option:

Use a pressure cooker and go on setting 2 for 30 minutes. Should get more flavors our faster

Vegetable Noodles:

We have used rutabaga and zucchini noodles before. For the rutabaga, let simmer for 10-15 minutes when you add the fish sauce. For the zucchini, the hot broth will wilt it sufficiently

1This represents going light (3 tsp/qt instead of 4 tsp/qt)


Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9294, 2014-11-24_195752