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Sourdough Waffles from King Arthur Flour
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Thanks to King Arthur Flour
To make the overnight sponge, stir down your refrigerated starter, and remove 1 cup.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together the 1 cup starter, flour, sugar, and buttermilk.
Cover and let rest at room temperature overnight.
In a small bowl or mixing cup, beat together the eggs, and oil or butter. Add to the overnight sponge.
Add the salt and baking soda, stirring to combine. The batter will bubble.
Pour batter onto your preheated, greased waffle iron, and bake according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Serve waffles immediately, to ensure crispness. Or hold in a warm oven till ready to serve.
Yield: 1 dozen 8" waffles or about 2 dozen medium pancakes.
Nutrition information
Serving Size: 1 waffle or 2 pan
Servings Per Batch: 12 waffles or 24 pancakes
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 190 Calories from Fat: 50 Total Fat: 6g Saturated Fat: 1g Trans Fat: 0g. Cholesterol: 35mg Sodium: 300mg Total Carbohydrate: 27g Dietary Fiber: 1g Sugars: 5g Protein: 6g.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7253, 2014-02-13_111734