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Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake
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Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake
Before you cringe and say "ewww" you have to try this super easy, super moist, super delicious chocolate cake. My mother used to make it when I was a kid. It was her standard chocolate cake. Really, the mayo just replaces the eggs and oil in a normal cake recipe. Sorry I didn't take a pic of it sliced. It was gorgeous.
My favorite version (and what is pictured) is to split the two layers into four and use a yummy peanut butter cream cheese icing (8 oz cream cheese, 8 oz peanut butter and 2 lbs of confectioners sugar plenty left over for eating after it sits in the fridge for a day! It's like truffles).
makes 2 -9 inch round layers
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7292, 2014-02-13_125202