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Turkey Burgers, Roasted Potato Slices and Butternut Squash Soup


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First of all, I do understand that they do not really all go together but we wanted to eat the squash before it went bad.

The turkey burgers were made with all sorts of seasonings including a bit of sesame seed oil, worcestershire sauce and tobasco sauce. The chips were the usual. More ground black pepper than usual giving it a bite.

The soup was more interesting. I originally used too much cinnamon but added extra bouillon base to even that out. I also used nutmeg and ginger. Finally, I put some Splenda in to give it an extra sweetness lacking in it.

(Approx.) Point Values:

Turkey Burgers...~1 point per oz (93% lean). Each [small] burger was 2 oz

Arnolds Rolls...1 for 1. 3 for 2

LF prov. Cheese (1/2 slice per burger)...1/slice

Potato "chips". Around 4 total. Maybe 5

Butternut squash is harder to figure out for sure. I am guessing about 2 per bowl.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 204, 2010-08-13_220117