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Recipe: Baked Whole Wheat Samosa Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 06:44 PM


The recipe from here is below. Note that I needed to add a bit more water to the dough. I also used non-fat greek yogurt. I also used pam instead of oil.

Because I halved it, I had to initially mix the dough by hand (literally, used my hands). Then I used the dough hook to knead it. The hook did not go deep enough to mix it. Also, I needed to thread the hook a bit to get it to grab.

Also, for half the recipe, here is the points


1 cup whole wheat flour...440/2/16 (cal/fat/fiber)

Greek Yogurt...133/0/0


1/4 lb potato...3 points

1/2 cup peas...1 point

So, the crust has 570 cal with 2 grams of fat and 16 grams of fiber. You split it into 6 so that is one point per serving.

The filling is 4 points and you split it into 6 so just say one point each to account for anything else.

Baked Whole-Wheat Samosas (from Heart and Stroke Foundation)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 215, 2010-08-17_184456

Tags: recipes

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