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Stuffed Mushrooms, Samosa and Steamed Broccoli Friday, August 27, 2010, 08:15 PM


Very good meal that I cooked with my dad. The samosa's were again with this recipe, but changed a bit. More salt and I added garam masala and I really did not measure the spices. I just kind of threw them in. Some notes though. I had a lot more trouble making them on this batch. You can see the one botched one we turned into somewhat of a dumpling. I think the key is to not over fill and to be careful with the dough. Shaping it better would help. Also, maybe kneading it more to make the gluten strands more pliable. Just thoughts for the future.

The mushrooms were the normal caps with laughing cow cheese. The stuffing was a really good grain mixture with butternut squash. I will ask him and add it here later.

Finally, just steamed broccoli. I think it was a bit undercooked but certainly not raw. My dad liked it the way it was.

Oh, and salad we barely ate.

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