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Carrot Cake Pancakes Sunday, September 12, 2010, 07:12 PM


Meredith was in the mood for something sweet and this was the result. We based it off of this recipe (halved) but made some notable changes. We skipped the honey butter. We used apple sauce for oil (didn't have canola and EVOO may have been strange), we didn't use cloves (didn't have it) and we skipped the walnuts. Also, we used whole wheat flour and egg beaters. Finally, we went somewhat heavy on the spices

I was a bit surprised that the recipe calls for baking power and not baking soda considering it has buttermilk. Generally, when the recipe is acidic (from buttermilk), baking soda is fine. Only if it is not, do you use baking powder. And when it is semi acidic but not acidic enough, you use a combo. This just used baking powder.

Anyway, it was pretty good. We halved the recipe and it was just enough for two people.

Points (for 2):

Flour...440/2/16 (so 4/person)

1/2 cup Low Fat Buttermilk...1

Brown Sugar...1

egg beaters...0.5


6 points/person is not bad. We topped them with apple sauce, nothing, fat free cool whip, and butter spray.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 351, 2010-09-12_191220

Tags: breakfast

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