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Whole Wheat Rosemary Bread Sunday, September 12, 2010, 07:13 PM


We made bread based off of the Joy of Cooking Whole Wheat recipe, with the addition of some rosemary (crushed with the mortar and pestle). Also, I proofed the yeast first. As I noted with the gnocchi recipe, I used the beater blade then the dough hook.

Overall, it was just okay. Not incredible. We need to play more. I had a pan of water to make a better crust but it was still not incredible. As you can see in the photo below, it did not form an nice of dough as I am used to. I did knead it a lot so that shouldn't have been an issue. I used the instant thermometer to tell when it was done which was convenient. Points below photo. We estimate it made about 16 slices.

2 cups real flour...800/0/0

2 cups Whole Wheat...880/2/24 (less than the older whole wheat I had)

2 tbsp butter...200/22/0

Total, 1880/24/24. per serving, 117.5/1.5/1.5-->2 points a slice.

Note that the flour had one less gram of fiber than my older one. Using that instead, it would be the same points but an even 2 grams per slice.

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