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Failed Attempt: Coq au Riesling
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We tried to make it with this recipe but with turkey bacon, chicken tenders and some other modifications, including no mushrooms but using peppers. Also, we were trying to use up some riesling which was extremely sweet even though it called for dry.
Anyway, we left it simmer at too high of a heat and forgot to check it. It was pretty burned on the bottom and most of the onions and mushrooms were gone. It wasn't awful but it was pretty dry. Also, we did not make the sauce so we lost that extra flavor.
I do want to try this, or a recipe like it (maybe croq au vin), again sometime. The idea was to use the riesling. Still, I would give it a shot. I just will not simmer it so high. (I am starting to really dislike electric)
Points were low though. Really only the chicken. Maybe some for the wine but it all cooked off. About 6-7 for the entire chicken portion (two servings)
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 502, 2010-10-01_223745