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Hot Dogs with Fake Fried Stuff
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The hot dogs were just 97% lean Hebrew Nations at 1 point per dog + 1 for the first and 2 for each subsequent for the Arnolds hat dog roll.. But fake fried stuff was chips made two different ways and Fiber One Fried dill pickles. The pickles were good as usual. Nothing special but definitely enjoyable. Salty though.
The chips were some experimentation. I realized that maybe the reason I have having baked chips issues was that I always used Yukon Gold when they have a higher water content. So, I tried a regular russet. I did it in the microwave and the over. Sadly, I overcooked the oven ones and undercooked the microwave one. The oven ones were crispy though so maybe that is the answer. We will see.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 509, 2010-10-03_104958