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Yogurt Parfait and Home Fries
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The yogurt parfaits were greek yogurt, pumpkin and cereal. I do not know the details because Meredith engineered them. They were good though. And pretty low in points. The cereals were Banana Raisin Nut (or something like that) and Cracklin' Oat Bran (appropriate.y named Kellogg's Crack)
The homefries were a mix of Yukon gold and sweet potatoes (3:1 ratio). I also put in some garlic and a shallot. I think the garlic and shallots burned on the bottom and didn't contribute much. I need to read a few home fried recipes because I think I need to start cooking the potatoes first. This way they will stick together more, need less time, and burn less on the bottom. They were good though. About 3-4 points each.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 513, 2010-10-03_135245