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Vegetable Pizza Pies and Pizza


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'We ate at Bertucci's the night before and Meredith ordered something like this. They called it a torta, but I do not think that is the correct name for it. It was very good and conceivably pretty healthy so we wanted to try to make it ourselves. We used the normal pizza dough recipe (1/2). We grilled graffiti eggplant and zucchini. We sautéed onions and red pepper. And finally, we salted some fresh garlic cloves, wrapped it in an aluminum foil pocket, and toasted it for a while. We also made our own sauce (without oil).

After rolling dough as flat as possible, we put all of the toppings in the center and out to the edge leaving a larger than normal crust. We then folded the extra dough over and pinched it closed.

It was pretty good though not as good as what Meredith had for dinner. We need to use a higher heat to get the dough to be more authentic. Also, we need to season the veggies more. Maybe roast them next time.

We made two of them and with the leftover dough, we made small pizzas (below). The one on the left is Meredith's. She coated the outside edge with laughing cow and then folded it over making a stuffed crust. We topped it with sauce, skim ricotta and FF cheddar and Mozz mix. On mine, I just used sauce, ricotta, pieces of provolone and lean ham. I then also used FF cheddar and mozz (4 cheese)

The points for the main thing were not bad at all. Doing a rough estimate, each 1/4 cup of flour has 2 points minus one for using half whole wheat. There are 6 of them. Plus a bit of olive oil. So, figure 12-13 for the whole crust. Previously[@rev], I said it was 5 for the large and 3 for the small. I am thinking it may be a bit less.

Anyway, the vegetable were basically all crust plus 0.5 for the FF cheese we lightly put under it.

The small pizzas are more because they have toppings. Probably 2-3 for the dough plus 2-3 for the cheese. 0.5 for the ham on mine and about the same for the laughing cow on Meredith's

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 545, 2010-10-10_235217