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Home > posts > 2010 > 10 > 20101012_092342_swiss-chard-french-onion-soup-chicken-and-steak.html
Swiss Chard, French Onion Soup, Chicken and Steak
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In an effort to not leave the apartment all day, this is the dinner we ended up with. We had one frozen potion of steak and one frozen portion of chicken. So, we made them and split it. They were both lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. The chicken also had some italian herbs. The chicken was sautéed and the steak was grilled the usual way.
The swiss chard was sautéed with pre-roasted garlic. It was pretty good. I do not think I have had swiss chard in a while so it was a nice change of pace. Wegmans was selling a HUGE bunch for very little. We made about half of it.
The french onion soup was pretty good too. We did not have vadalia onions so we used yellow. Interestingly though, it was a very sweet soup and we didn't add any sugar. It was 6 cups water and 1 cup white wine. We used 3 of both chicken and beef cubes plus a Tbsp of sodium free chicken and a packet of sodium free beef. This gave it extra flavor without too much salt. The soup was still salty but not too bad. Also, when making the onions, I added a Tbsp of Smart Balance. It adds a point but really made them cook nicely.
Chard...0 or maybe 1
Soup...1 for cheese, almost zero for soup
Steak...4/piece as cut (small and very lean)
Chicken...2 or 3
8 point meal.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 556, 2010-10-12_092342