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Tuna with a Yogurt Orange Curry Sauce over Kale and Roasted Potatoes


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The tuna with the yogurt orange curry sauce was from the tuna package. I modified it a little bit. It is about a cup of fat free greek yogurt, a dollop of sugar free orange preserves and a bunch of curry powder. It was not great at first, but after sitting for a while it was pretty good. I then broiled the tuna and flipped it about 2/3 of the way through. The big piece was cooked perfectly but the small one was just slightly over cooked

The kale was also very good with a lot of garlic and onions. It cooked down less than I expected so there was a lot of kale. But it was good so that was fine.

The potatoes were roasted for a while with salt, pepper and a tad of cayenne. It was really good. They got a bit crispy. Also, they were a quarter sweet potato so that added to it.

The points:


Curry Sauce...<1


Original Wordpress ID and Date: 582, 2010-10-19_212303