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Sea Scallops alla Caprese and Purple Smashed Potatoes Thursday, October 21, 2010, 08:50 PM


This was a very good meal. Meredith found the scallops recipe a while ago and we just tried it. You use scallops instead of cheese. We used regular tomatoes and didn't use as much oil in searing the scallops. We also used yellow onions cooked on the pan but without pam. They were good but I am not sure if it really burned the pan. Also, instead of lemon, we used Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar which also makes more sense because it is caprese.

The potatoes were a mix of Yukon gold, red bliss and purple majesty. We boiled them and then mashed with Greek yogurt, Smart Balance butter(ish). We also roasted garlic in the toaster and used garlic and onion powder. With a bit of salt and pepper, they were very good.

Points (per person):

Scallops (1/2 lb)...4


Pretty low and a lot of food!

Sea Scallops alla Caprese (from Serious Eats)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 592, 2010-10-21_205010

Tags: recipes

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