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Green Tea (Matcha) Scones Wednesday, December 08, 2010, 09:28 AM


The picture did not come out well. Anyway, continuing Meredith's scone craving, we made green tea (Matcha) scones. We actually made two batches because I screwed up the first. We followed the same recipe with the same changes as last time from the recipe below. We halved it and added a tsp of matcha. It was a bit clumpy but it eventually mixed. The problem was I forgot to put in the smart balance. Well, apparently that makes a big difference. The dough seemed really dry and small. We baked it because we had nothing to lose and made another batch.

We did the second batch the same way except I remembered the smart balance (used two knives to cut it and mix it well). Also, since I had issues with the matcha clumping, I used a bit more and sifted it. That wastes some and matcha isn't cheap, except that our is (and doesn't taste as good). Still, it was worth it. This batch came out much better!

They were okay. Still a bit dry but you could taste the matcha! See the previous time for points.

Low Fat Pomegranate Scones (From Gina's Skinny Taste)

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