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Home > posts > 2011 > 01 > 20110117_100623_chicken-cacciatore-and-butternut-squash.html
Chicken Cacciatore and Butternut Squash
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The Chicken Caccatore was really good and pretty easy. We followed the recipe below but used about 10 oz. of chicken breasts and some extra carrots. Also, we skipped the olive oil and used olive oil pam. The chicken was a bit overcooked but not too bad. This was better than our crock-pot version. For once, I do not think we changed the seasonings much if at all. We also didn't have fresh parsley. We meant to used dried but forgot all together. Finally, after simmering for 45 min, we boosted the heat and let it boil off some liquid uncovered.
The butternut squash was just seasoned with rosemary, salt, pepper and crushed red pepper. The crushed red pepper added a really nice spice that was different but really good.
Chicken Cacciatore (from Real Simple))
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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 888, 2011-01-17_100623