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Home > posts > 2011 > 01 > 20110130_081254_breakfast-burrito-with-homemade-tortilla.html
Breakfast Burrito with Homemade Tortilla
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Meredith and I wanted to have breakfast burritos but sadly, we found that we were out of tortillas so we did what you are supposed to do, we made our own.
Meredith had seen a recipe and we used it. It is below but we made a few changes by using half whole wheat and using almond milk. We had to add a bit extra water because of using whole wheat flour. As some of the people commented, this is not really a real tortilla because of the leavening. It did make it rise a bit and was harder to fold. I will look into other recipes in the future.
For the filling we made it with ham, egg and Tabasco.
Whole Wheat Tortilla (from Homesick Texan)
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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 926, 2011-01-30_081254