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Taquitos and Asparagus


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This is one of those really hard to duplicate meals. I didn't follow a recipe at all. I looked around the web for information on shredded chicken in the pressure cooker and found a lot of conflicting answers. I will do my best to note what I did/added and I will do it in bullet form to make it easier.

Chicken in the pressure cooker:

I checked the temperature of the chicken to make sure it was fully cooked. The rest, sautéed

After it was well mixed, we put them on the tortillas, added some cheese and rolled them. Sprayed with pam. We cooked them at 365 until they were getting crispy and then for a minute or two with the broiler.

They were so good! I hope we can manage to do them again. There was a nice spice to them as well.

Update: 400°F 15-18 minutes

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1149, 2011-04-27_122840