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Falafel and Roasted Vegetables Saturday, August 20, 2011, 11:44 AM



First, the vegetables. This was inspired by the Vegetable Torta at Bertuccis. I french cut a few onions and super caramelized them with a lot of whole garlic cloves. This was actually done a few days in advance. Anyway, I cut up a WHOLE LOT of zucchini and yellow squash. Next, I used one graffiti eggplant. I then added a can of (rinsed) artichoke hearts and I bunch of cherry tomatoes which I first cut, and then squeezed over the sink to remove some of the juices. I mixed it all together with some olive oil and seasonings. I used cumin, rosemary (a lot), ground thyme, salt, pepper, and garlic and onion powder. I put them into two dishes and baked / roasted them for an hour at 400. I stirred them every 10-15 minutes. I was happy enough with how they turned out. They were good and flavorful but still not as good as the thing at Bertuccis. I think I used a bit too much zucchini and squash since it drowned out the presence of artichoke hearts. I will have to play a bit more with it. It was still delicious but not there yet. I think the Tian was better.

The falafel were made with the same recipe as last time except doubled since Emily was here. I used fresh cilantro this time. I did not add more red pepper but it still had a nice bite. They didn't come out as crispy this time despite being cooked at a higher temperature (needed for the vegetables). My theory is that with the oven so full, especially due to the vegetables, they steamed a bit more. Don't get me wrong, they were still very good. We served them with tahini and buffalo (as in the buffalo chicken) hummus.

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