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Green Chile Pasole w/ Black Beans, Shrimp, and Guac


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20111031-112059.jpgThe real highlight of this meal was the Pasole soup made from therecipefrom the Homesick Texan cookbook, page 146. We basically followed the direction except we used a bit more poblanos. The soup was very good. It had a lot of hominy in it which I hadn't had before. I liked it! I thought they tasted like littlepiecesof cornbread and gave the soup a dumpling liketexture. The soup did have a kick from the poblanos. Since the soup also had tomatillos, I thought it tasted a bit like soupy salsa verde!

The shrimp were marinated in lime juice and then sprinkled with adoboseasoning, pepper, garlic and onion powder, some driedcilantroand oregano (by accident).We just grilled them on the griddler. They were very good and nicely flavorful. We intended to have shrimp tacos (hence the homemade guac), but forgot to bring in the tortillas until the last minute so we just had shrimp.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1497, 2011-10-30_112251