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Home > posts > 2011 > 12 > 20111225_232456_seared-salmon-hasselback-potatoes-roasted-broccoli-and-stuffed-dates.html
Seared Salmon, Hasselback Potatoes, Roasted Broccoli and Stuffed Dates
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I decided to invite some friends for not-christmas dinner. I made salmon, hasselback potatoes and roasted broccoli.
(2014-01-06 Note: I added this technique to My Recipe Book[@rev])
I did the salmon on the stove and in the oven. I had read a lot of different recipes for salmon on the stove and there were a few different approaches. I settled on using the cast iron pan and the oven. I seasoned the salmon with salt and pepper, then seared them flesh (not skin) side first for a minute. I flipped them, and then threw them in the oven (preheated at 425) for like 6 minutes. They cooked really nicely and the flesh came off the skin with ease. My only problem was the pan was too hot at first and smoked when I added pam. I wiped it and then I just cooked them without the pam. It didn't stick which was nice. The other thing I did was make sure I started with the fish at room temp. Thankfully and somewhat surprisingly, I didn't overcook the fish!
I also made hasselback potatoes. That is when you slice it 3/4 of the way through and fan it out. I used two wooden spoons as knife blocks. I initially alternated putting garlic and shallots between each slice. Then, I read some more recipes and it sounded like you didn't have to put stuff in each and every slice and they will just open if you wet them first. I basically just kept it as it was except I took out a few shallots and garlic. I sautéd them in olive oil then poured the strained oil on the potatoes for flavor. Next time, I will read the recipe _first_and then try to cook it. I want to do them again, but I will read more recipes first. Oh, I also cut off a bit of the bottom first to give me a flat surface.
I also roasted broccoli as I describe on 2011-12-06[@rev]. They could have used a bit more time but they were still good. I also served some rosemary and olive oil bread.
Finally, for dessert, I made stuffed dates. They were pretty easy since once I cut out the pit, I used leftover German Butter Cream from the Thanksgiving Red Velvet Cake[@rev]. I topped them with some powdered sugar. They were good!
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1666, 2011-12-25_232456