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Baked Chicken "Fried" Steak Friday, January 13, 2012, 04:30 PM



These don't look very pretty but we tried to make baked chicken fried steak. We basically used the recipe from the Homesick Texan book. The crust was made of flour,cayenne, pepper and salt. We also used egg beaters and almond milk instead of whole milk. We used pre sliced thin steak to make it a bit easier.

Instead of cream gravy, we basically made the bechemel from moussaka except we added extra pepper. The ingredients were similar but we know that this one worked well when done with almond milk.

They were okay, but not great. They definitely came out rather unappetizing looking. The crust tasted pretty good but again, didn't really stick to the steak nor did it get crispy. I wouldn't rush to make it again but if a different way of doing it came along, I would consider it again.

BTW, it's called chicken fried steak because you fry steak the way people fry chicken.

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