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Zucchini Fritters and Pasta Friday, June 15, 2012, 09:48 PM



I made zucchini fritters at least starting out with the original recipe. It was actually a bit thick before I added anything else, but then I remembered the baking powder. Except, I accidentally added corn starch. That made it even thicker! I think I may have used a bit too much flour. It was a little bit more like pancake batter. As I said, it was thick before but it made very few despite using two whole zucchinis.

I also made a small side of pasta (using the "plus" kind that is whole grain and more protein). I added some cheese, butter spray and lots of Penzeys Sandwich Sprinkle. It was also pretty good!

I could have stretched it to two meals but since I didn't need lunch the next day and since the fritters are low, I just did it as one.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2014, 2012-06-15_214832

Tags: pasta, vegetarian

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