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Moussaka Monday, June 18, 2012, 11:36 AM


I made Mousakka though I accidentally deleted the picture. This was supposed to be dinner last night, lunch today and then two freezer portions. However, two things happened. The first is that it took WAY TOO LONG to make. I forgot how time and work intensive this meal is. Second, I misread the recipe and did too much onion, then I added a bit more beef than usual (I usually do 4/3 of a pound, but did a bit extra). I knew right away it was making a lot when it filled my pan and I had to move it to my new dutch oven. I also used the mandolin to slide the eggplant and potatoes. I had way too much eggplant and I misjudged the potatoes. So, I made two dishes worth (about 7 servings). I decided to 1.5 the seasonings given the extra size of it all. I was not able to do a very thick second beef layer, but that is fine.

It came out pretty good as usual. Such a good, and low point meal!

Oh, I also cut the eggplant length wise which made for an easier time lining the pan. And I gave them a really good broiling!

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