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Zucchini and Wheat berry mix


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This idea was inspired by something Meredith made and a few recipes, including this one. Basically, I started with a bit less than a cup of dry wheat berries. Supposedly, you are supposed to soak them overnight, but I googled how to cook them without soaking. Maybe they would have been less chewy had I soaked them, but I like the chewiness. Then, I used the mandoline to finely slice two zucchinis. I was supposed to salt and drain them but I forgot. I then mixed the wheat berries and zucchini. I added a bit of salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. I mixed a bit of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and a really small amount of olive oil with some more seasonings. I mixed them up and added it. After that was all mixed, I added 4 oz of TJ's light feta crumbled.

It came out really, really good! I wish I knew exactly how much of everything I added so I could do it exactly again! There was a nice chewiness with good texture. Maybe a bit too wet from not draining the zucchini but not too bad. And pretty low points.

Points Plus

~1 cup dry wheat berries...16

4 oz feta...4

2 tsp olive oil...2


22 for 2 meals.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2164, 2012-08-01_140756