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Grilled Scallops with Mint Pesto and Tequila Lime Roasted Artichokes


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Meredith and I made this together. First, the scallops were from the recipe below. We stayed pretty true to it but note that it makes lots of pesto so we aren't eating the whole 1/2 cups of olive oil. We used fresh mint from the farmers market. I used the cast iron grill pan that I let fully warm to medium-high. The scallops all seemed to be well cooked. Even the very large ones. I did cook down the balsamic vinegar too much. It turned into balsamic vinegar taffy. Kind of strange. I'll be more careful next time. When I first saw this recipe, my immediate reaction as that it was calling Meredith's name

We did the artichokes also with the recipe below. We couldn't get baby artichokes so we used small ones and scraped out the choke. Most, but not all, of the leaves were edible but we definitely had to leave some. Meredith also trimmed the stem so that whole part was edible. The only other change I know of was using greek yogurt for mayonnaise. It was still good with that, but a very different taste.

The bread was also from the farmers market.

Grilled Scallops with Mint Pesto and Balsamic Syrup (from Serious Eats)

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Tequila Lime Roasted Artichokes (from Family spice: recipe,post)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2228, 2012-09-02_093133