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[Fake] Reubens


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I call these fake reubens for two reasons. First and foremost, I didn't use rye bread. You cannotshould not call it a reuben if it isn't corned beef,sauerkraut, thousands island dressing and swiss cheese. Any deviation and it is no longer a reuben. But I digress. The other reason I call these fake is that they were cold. The power had gone out but I was able to throw this together anyway.

They were okay. Cold and somewhat soggy (from thesauerkraut) Arnolds rolls are not that good. Then, the Target corned beef was kinda sub-par. Now I know not to get it there. I also had this for lunch, but the power had come back on and I was able to panni press them (though I did it inaluminumfoil which was interesting.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3087, 2013-01-17_160314