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Party! (with home made Bean Dip, Buffalo Cauliflower and Pizza Sauce)
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Meredith and I hosted a "Belated New Years" party. We originally planned for 11 people, including us, but 4 didn't make it. We would have had too much anyway, but with half the people, and many weren't hungry, we had WAY too much. Still, it ended up being a nice selection and Meredith and I enjoyed the variety. I will come back and edit this list as I remember things. I am also trying to note where we got the different things for future reference
The dinner was make your own pizza. The dough was from Trader Joes with each person getting half of a dough ball. For toppings, we had
Dessert was just cookies purchased at Target. Beer was a 24 mix pack from Costco, a mix of a few things from TJ's and a pack of Blue Moon Abbey Ale. (and there was lots and lots of leftovers)
Meredith made took charge of both the buffalo cauliflower and the bean dip. For thecauliflower we basically had to make a second batch of batter. I do not know why, but one didn't cut it. Also,unfortunately we had to let it sit out after being coated, before going back into the oven, since people hadn't arrived yet. I thought it was very good as is, but Meredith said it is even better when it doesn't sit out. I will definitly make thisagain for myself. I may also throw a bit of ranch dressing powder into the batter. Overall, it used a cup of flour for the whole thing so it wil have to be the main part of a meal, but it would probably be enough. Oh, and we used white flour instead of rice flour. I do not know what, if any, affect that had.
The bean dip was very good. We used low fat cheese and cream cheese to make ithealthier It didn't cook fully in the time so I put it in a bit longer at a higher temp. Everything inside melted nicely but the top got a tad crispy. Meredith was the one who really made it so she may have more comments.
For the pizza sauce, I was inspiredby the recipe below, but I didn't totally follow it. First of all, the recipedoesn't say what to do with theonion(though it implies that you take it out). I did approx 4x the recipe. I basicallysautedlots of garlic in a mix of butter and olive oil. I then added a #10 can of peeled San Marizono tomatoes (very cheap at Costco). I used the immersion blender to get rid of most of the chunks. I then let it cook down by a bit less than half. It was okay. Very acidic. I do not know how to fix that. Also, water definitelyseparated out on some pizzas. I think that means I need more oil, but I amhesitantto add that.
Cheesy Baked Black-Eyed Pea Dip (from The Kitchn)
Local Copy[@rev] -- password is the name of my dog, all lower case
Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower (from Day Dream Kitchen)
(2014-01-07 Note: This is now part of **_My Recipe Book[@rev]_**)
New York Style Pizza Sauce (from Serious Eats)
Local Copy[@rev]-- password is the name of my dog, all lower case
Original WP Post ID: 3101
Original WP Pub Date: 2013-01-25_120958