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Taco Stew and Brussel Sprouts Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 06:25 PM



I made this at Adam's apartment. I used roughly the normal taco stew but we really just threw it together more than anything. I used extra zucchini, more meat, lots of salsa, etc. I also used peas instead of corn since that is all we had. There really isn't much more to tell about it. It was pretty standard. As a side note, we didn't have any sour-cream or yogurt so we used bleu-cheese dressing. It was actually a really different but nice flavor.

The brussel sprouts were done between 400 and 450 (I don't recall which we used, I think it was 450). They were pretty good!

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3253, 2013-03-12_182534

Tags: beef, taco

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