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20130324-202843.jpgI made shakshuka in a manner combining the first time[@rev] and last time[@rev]. I started with some fennel (which I need to read up on the propper way to cut) and onion. I added to that ahabaneropepper, a poblano pepper,broccoli, carrots, celery then a 28 and 14 oz can of tomatoes (once all the other veggies were well softened). I also used a bunch of paprika, hot hungarian paprika, oregano,parsley garlic powder, salt, pepper and probably other stuff I don't remember. I let it cook uncovered for about 25 minutes. I then poached 6 eggs into it and let them cook. I ended up turning up the heat to try to get rid of more liquid. It burned the bottom pretty badly, but it wasn't a big deal. when it was done, I added 4oz of light feta.

It was very good. No overly strong flavors (not even the anise) but it was a lot of food with some good flavor. And I especially love whenbroccolicooks in tomato sauce! The whole thing was 4 points for the feta, plus 12 for the eggs for 16 total. It made a large dinner and lunch so 8 for both! Not bad.

I also roasted some of the extrabroccoli. It was good.

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Original WP Post ID: 3344

Original WP Pub Date: 2013-03-24_202844