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Home > posts > 2013 > 05 > 20130515_210848_buffalo-cauliflower-and-zucchini-plus-cod.html
Buffalo Cauliflower and Zucchini plus Cod
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I made buffalo cauliflower[@rev] but I also did a zucchini and a few pieces of jalapeno. It was pretty good though I don't think it was incredible. I had made a batch of batter (but with extra water) and I ended up making another half batch. I basically winged it with adding Franks Red hot, garlic powder and ranch powder. I like how the batter hardens around it and pools a bit. I used Smart Balance (melted) instead of oil to make the sauce. Maybe I made too much sauce so it didn't crisp up nicely.
The zucchini worked pretty well and I would definitely do it again. The pepper was okay. I want to look into other batter recipes that may work better.
I also had miso-soy cod from Trader Joes. It was very good and easy enough to make in the microwave.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 5811, 2013-05-15_210848