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Baked Salsa Cod and Green Beans


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I made a pretty simple meal. I baked (defrosted) cod topped with hot salsa for 20-25 minutes at 350. And, I also made green beans with blackened Penzeys sandwich sprinkle.

After my failure last time with the cod, I didn't want to microwave it so I baked it. I actually bought it this time at Target and I was pretty happy with it. I got the baking time and temp from their recipe. It was very good though a bit overcooked. I didn't mind that too much since the salsa gives it a lot of flavor and sufficient liquid.

The green beans were pretty standard. I gave them more time in the pan at a lower temp so that I didn't have to add water and steam them at all. I think that made a big difference. That was made easier by the fact that I didn't make my usual gross amount of them. The spices got nicely blackened on them

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6208, 2013-06-25_195401