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Vegetarian Breakfast Cupcakes
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I bade breakfast tacos using the normal taco idea (~350 for 15-18) except, on my Dad's suggestion, I baked the bottom shells first. I put them in the oven for about 5 min just to crisp them.
The filling was small pieces of Gimme Lean and eggs. I cooked the gimme lean first and took it out of the pan. I then scrambled the eggs (about 4 eggs plus about 1 eggs worth of egg beaters). I mixed it all. Ari together and seasoned it.
I wish I had made smaller sausage pieces and maybe more eggs (and better chopped) as it seemed like the chunks were too big for the cupcakes. It turned out fine in the end. The cheese (mozzarella) filled the gaps nicely held it together.
Overall, they were very good! And we also had bagels and a mango (too much food)
Original WP Post ID: 6521
Original WP Pub Date: 2013-08-22_064004