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Home > posts > 2013 > 10 > 20131012_175500_myo-pizza-and-roasted-broccoli-cheddar-soup.html
MYO Pizza and Roasted Broccoli Cheddar Soup
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We had a bunch of friends over and did make your own pizza. Not much to tell here. The usual toppings including:
We used TJ's dough balls. Note to self, when quick-defrosting a dough ball, put it in a bag. The included bag did not suffice and we had a few wet dough balls.
We also made our Roasted Broccoli Cheddar soup[@rev]. We followed the basic recipeexcept roughly 1.5-2.0x it. And we used real onion in addition to scallions. Finally, we used Osem to keep it meat-free. A minor change we did was to cube the cheese instead of shredding. This to make it easier (no need to clean the food processor) and we figured it would cook fine. However, it seems to have burned a bit on the bottom. We need to be more careful of that.
Oh, we also added some crushed red pepper to the soup and some garlic powder to the roasting broccoli.
No picture.....
Original WP Post ID: 6745
Original WP Pub Date: 2013-10-12_175500